I'm really glad to have taken up this job. It was a great and fun experience working hand-in-hand with the fellow colleagues. Most of the helpful and friendly colleagues make it a good working environment.
Even though there's some confusion earlier on on the 1st day, but everyone managed to pick up and put in the best efforts. It really feels good to see teamwork from everyone.
I'm starting to like promoter kind of job. It's really interesting to meet all sorts of different people with different attitude. Of course, Singaporeans never fail to deliver the kiasuness' character. Food fair tempts all? Hahaha.
Here are some of the random photos i've taken.
Wah, really sick of cheese already now. Every single dishes prepared is all with cheese, eat till scare already. -.- But some colleagues can really eat cheese like free....
Special thanks to all crews, Sheryl and Edwin for the wonderful time.
p/s will post the group photo IF i received it.