I really got lack of sleeps recently.
For the past few weeks, i've been waking up very early almost everyday despite sleeping at late hours. Whenever i open my eyes, i can't seem to fall back to sleep. damn shag you know..
Anyway, i met up with GF for movies today. X-Men Orgins: Wolverine is out today! I've been camping for this show since the released of it's trailer.
This movie is really A-W-E-S-O-M-E! I personally think it's better than the previous 3 episodes of X-Men, as in the fightings and plots.. I think Hugh Jackman is really a wolverine, those aura.. haha.
For the past 2 days, i've been spending the whole day editing the songs' titles and album names in the iTunes. If i don't edit the titles, my Ipod cannot read those unknown fonts. I got like near 2k of songs to edit. -.-
I didn't know that when i full blast the music, everyone around me can hear the songs i'm listening to clearly until GF told me.. No wonder so many pple was looking at me in the bus/train.
Power power..